The Challenge of Storing Hydrogen
October 23, 2024 • EPISODE 236
Join Roger Billings on Science LIVE as he investigates the challenges and methods of storing hydrogen. Learn about the most effective storage techniques and discover why hydrogen is an affordable, safe, and sustainable fuel choice for the future.

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Dr. Roger Billings is so inspiring, I wish to be like him when I grow up.
Can hydrogen be store in something else other than tanks or cars?
No idea you could store hydrogen.
cool video
Wow!! this was so cool!!
Nothings perfect.
Dr. B, I think that you are very inspiring, with the persistence you have shown in the 50 whole years you and your team have taken to make the Hydrogen car, and with the withering amount of gasoline that powers cars, I hope that Hydrogen powered transportation is the future.
i love being able to learn about all this amazing stuff and we need more of r-51
We love R.51. You should give him more credit big R.
storing hydrogen is so interesting.
Hydrogen is a vry small molecule… it leaks easily, readily. makes storage and transport difficult.
I think it is pretty cool how well hydrogen has stood up to testing.
Nothing is perfect.
This is a double-edged sword.
interesting video
Amazing topic!
they always manage to make me laugh
Can big trucks all work on hydrogen?
I wonder if they will succeed with hydrogen powered cars.
Hydrogen is so useful and fun
i liked how area 51 was funny thinking sunflowers charge your car, and now i know manganese can become 10 micro atoms instead of 5 and now i know that hydrogen is used in cars!
What inspired you to work with hydrogen?
love learning new things about hydrogen!
I really like learning about hydrogen
you answered all my questions from September, Thank you. why don’t you let plasma the forth state of matter heat it up, if that takes too much energy you could make a circle like aria were the elections of hydrogen would want to escape from the protons of another molecule creating friction between the circle. if that doesn’t work you could use HYDROGEN 3!!!! the best hydrogen for this!!!!
R51 is so cool!!
Evs are actually gas cars? Hm. Then that defeats the purpose doesn’t it?
How do you overcome the difficulty of storing hydrogen in the creation of the hydrogen car?
I love r51!!! We need to see more of him.
What is the most efficient way to store hydrogen?
Learned a lot about how to store hydrogen!!
Great episode, R-51 was funny.
Thank you!
So many ways to learn how something won’t work. Mr. Billings didn’t give up.
Hydrogen is neat to learn about.
Loved this !!
Is this method better for the environment than jet fuel?
Who first discovered hydrogen?
amazing livestream like always
I did not know hydrogen had so many details to it.
like it!
Hydrogen is not as compacted as gasoline.
I love learning about new things!
I love learning about hydrogen.
Will hydrogen replace gasoline and be cheaper?
this is so interesting!
This was a very fascinating lesson full of interesting facts that I did not know about hydrogen. I look forward to the future and the developments we will see in hydrogen cars.
I think it’s neat that something as strong as steele in it’s solid form, when mixed can become very brittle.
I’m r-51s fan
That’s how u store Hydrogen me and my brother thought it was incredible and r-51 is cool and funny😁🤗 I love Science Live❗
Love it! Hydrogen is the best, and is probably the future of energy along with nuclear energy!
Super cool! I didn’t know much about this before
I was intrigued when they where talking about hydrogen.
Good vidéo, i like it.
I want to learn more about hydrogen
When is the hydrogen car going to be ready
It was interesting to learn about the different types of hydrogen
I enjoyed learning about hydrogen.
this was a very educational and interesting lesson, hydrogen is so beneficial to our society.
WAO! Thank You
Hydrogen is so useful! Very interesting video!
this is a very interesting video! love how much learning I’m getting from it.
thanks for the interesting lesson
This lesson was really interesting! and the powder way of hydrogen.
I thought if you made hydrogen below 32 degrees Fahrenheit, it would freeze. It is crazy how interesting hydrogen can be.
What is a H2 Molecule
Loved watching
Can hydrogen be stored for long periods of time? If so, how long?
I love learning about hydrogen
Thank you for the video. It was interesting.
nice video
amazing video learned alot
I loved this episode
Really interesting that the military shot up hydrogen tanks to test them.
It sounds like storing hydrogen is one of the last big hurdles to using it everywhere
i love the idea of this video, love hydrogen.
Cars can be powered by hydrogen
Wow! Dr, B does not give up! Cool!
How much iron and titanium did Dr. B know to put together to make the powder? Was it 50/50%?
this video was really interesting
Wow this episode was really interesting!
Cool video
Go trump
I always love seeing r-51!
This is an amazing lesson
the science of storing hydrogen is so cool!
Could we use hydrogen to eliminate gasoline for motors in the future?
Super cool lesson!
First five deserves a high five! That’s great on how you can store Hydrogen. The fact that people can do things like this is amazing!!
ha ha I’m in the top five let’s go BRING BACK ACELLUS NEIGHBORS ALSO I like this this episode.
I love this! I think that Elon Musk should put hydrogen in his cars. If he does, then his cars will be more better and they will go more farther.
It is very interesting, and I love episodes about hydrogen!!
This was a cool episode
Such a cool episode.
I liked learning about hydrogen. I learned that it is the smallest element and it is really hard to store, because it can slip out through little cracks easily.
Learning about activating the hydride was interesting to learn about! The way it was explained made it easy to follow along and understand.
So cool I love R-51 🙂
The spoonful of manganese was very interesting and a good idea.
This was such a neat topic!
Ha ha ha R-51 is the best.
I had no idea hydrogen can do so much
I love the end where he uses the filter!
keep up the good work
I learned a lot from this!
I like how Dr. Billings didn’t give up
I thought that R51’s episodes are pretty funny, interesting, and creative!
Storing hydrogen is a complex task!
I can’t wait to see the new hydrogen car that you are working on!
This was a very interesting lesson, storing hydrogen could be efficient in the future if cost could be handled.
@ Elexi H.
That is an amazing thought that you had about the electric cars in the episode on Hydrogen Fuel Cells and Tesla. It was very thought-provoking, and it leads to some very interesting questions on the future of automobiles.
I loved the R-51 episode. There needs to be more.
Very interesting 🤔 hydrogen is very refreshing topic.Pun intended.
Man r51 and big are so like hilarious cuz he had them in there depressed he was just like me coming up with ideas 🤣🤣.
hydrogen is stored as a gas in a tank to fill up balloons
What is your favorite element?
This was an awesome episode!
Yessss I am first to comment! I liked the powder way of storing hydrogen, I also liked R-51’s episode
I thought that this lesson was pretty cool.
So interesting!!
i like how hydrogen can be gold hydrogen.
R-51 it’s so funny! I am “thrilled” with his new inventions! I love talking about Hydrogen.
How is hyrdogen measured in width and how fast does it deflate.
i had fun learning abut how to store hydrogen.
Why aren’t more resources put towards hydrogen research if it’s such a promising energy source?
That’s really interesting I didn’t think that storing hydrogen was so complicated.