Hydrogen Village
October 09, 2024 • EPISODE 234
Explore the future of sustainable living with Roger Billings and his groundbreaking concept of the Hydrogen Village, where homes are powered by clean hydrogen energy. Get a sneak peek at Star Pods—innovative homes designed to reshape the way we live and provide a vision of tomorrow’s neighborhoods.

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Recent Episodes
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isnt hydogen a bit too dangerous to be messing with
100% agree with the comment above
This kind of video is really helpful for me And really fun to learn about all of the stuff with Walt Disney
Love R.51!!! Loved Dr. Billings messenger today too and the ventioneering video.
I have never heard of hydrogen homes before they are very cool!!
Hydrogen villages are cheaper so let hurry up and live in more hydrogen powered houses
Walt Disney’s and Billings ideas of cities like Epcot and Hydrogen Village are so cool.
very cool concept
Please invite me to hydrogen villiage
This is quite a new world.
This may just be the way of the future.
Joseph is such a comedian!
i think the name Bob would suit the comet very well
i wonder how much different it would be to live in a hydrogen ecosystem
name it bit-o!
Hydrogen village is the best!
I didn’t know that our tv and phone screens are made out of little crystals
It world be so cool living in a hydrogen village
WOW! Just the thought of a hydrogen village is AWESOME! If you do build a hydrogen village, Dr. Billings, Please, Please, Please, Please, Please invite me.
The members in inventioneering club are funny.
Joseph’s opening jokes are funny.
The hydrogen homes look soo cool! 🤩 That is such a good idea!
Nice video!
I agree with the one above and I want one
sooooooooo amazing aculls and science live has change home schooling for me i think this has change everything for children and teens plus young adults lives it is amazing that this was created it blows my mind how many schools a nd home schoolers it is nice that this happed I love it this is a liltle shout out for all those amazing teachers for the kids and schools for using aculls and parents y’all amazing =D
this is an amazing video
The Star Pods are very cool! I also thought the design for Epcot was super fascinating. I am excited to see how hydrogen will impact our future.
What would happen if you guys would have put hydrogen instead of water in the science experiment?
I like hydrogen its a fun topic to speak on.
why can’t we have hydrogen villages now
Can a hydrogen village help the earth
hydrogen is very interesting and its amazing all the different uses it has
Hydrogen is a fascinating element
I think hydrogen is a very fascinating substance and that is the future,
It would be so cool to live in a hydrogen community
Disney world is so much fun Disney world was made by walt Disney had a great plan
New ways too improve our world are definitely being discovered in various paces.
this video was very interesting and cool to watch
Love it! The pods look very futuristic 😉
What are some other uses for the hydrogen village? And how are ovens powered?
Learning about Walt disneys plans was so cool!
i wish i could live in one of these hydrogen villages
How cost effective is dynamic glass, and how safe is it?
it seems science is evloing everyday
I love that you mention walt Disney he had amazing ideas. Hydrogen city is a really cool idea can’t wait to see more videos about it
Wow I’ve never been to Walt Disney but have seen some of their movies, anyway I think having a hydrogen village would be amazing!!🤑
This was a super cool topic, loved learning about Walt Disney and his plan for Epcot.
very cool
so good
I had no idea hydrogen could do so much!
I like the part about the sunflower! Super good live!
How do you build hydrogen village
Thank you for coming up with ideas for our future
How long would it take to make a hydrogen dirt bikes and machines like that?
please name the comet capybara. Also I could live in a star pod.
Hydrogen is the future.
I want to live in a Hydrogen community.
Awesome demonstration of science!
Hydrogen homes will probably be seen a lot in the future.
Awesome topic! Thank you. Sorry I missed this one.
Area 51 is so cool I love Roger Billings I love hydrogen
So cool
Thank you for the science lives i learn so much.
So without windows the indoor plants won’t get sun
Why do we need hydrogen
I didn’t know Walt Disney had an interest in science, that is so cool 🙂
I love science live
Interesting, wonder how expensive that would be
How important is hydrogen?
I am a student from acellus and I saw the firefly video and was amazed. a quick suggestion would be to watch the SCIENCE L!VE firefly video!
I enjoyed it!
I like hydrogen.
hydrogen energy is cool. Keep up the good work!
It seems that hydrogen energy and hydrogen homes are the next big thing
I have not heard of hydrogen energy before. So cool!
Dr.B, do you think you could make more SCIENCE L!VE? I’m very interested in your episodes. I love to watch your show!
I lived in Florida and we used to go to EPCOT all the time…it is awesome!
How would we grow food in a future city?
I really enjoyed learning about hydrogen homes! I would love to have a neighborhood of hydrogen homes! Thank you all for an amazing, informational video about hydrogen.
I was wandering if the atmosphere would actually feel, smell, seems different in an hydrogen home.
I think we should have hydrogen powered cars.
I really like the R51 name for the new comet. Also, I like learning about Walt Disney’s plans for a village.
This was great!
U should make hydrogen powered cars
A fun thought 😀
A hydrogen powered home sounds interesting, but how long would that take to build? And how expensive would the house be?
i love this video it explanes everything clearly
I think hydrogen homes are interesting
I like the idea of having hydrogen homes. But how long does it take you to build one of these hydrogen homes? And what if Dr.B made a hydrogen powered rocket 🚀 and hydrogen powered aircraft. Just a fun thought 🙂
Wow! This video was super interesting!!!
WOW! Hydrogen is even more amazing than I ever thought!
I think it is so cool that Walt Disney reached out to Dr.B about creating the cities of the future. I bet Hydrogen will be a big part of our lives in the coming decades. I would love to live in a star pod, they look so futuristic!
That’s so cool!!
I noticed the funny thing those two, Mason and Micah, did. They gave each other their name tags! It was so FUNNY!
great video!
That is so cool with hydrogen. I learned a lot.
Hydrogen homes seem awesome
Do you use dams to provide electricity?
I enjoyed learning about the designs for the hydrogen powered homes and how whole villages can be powered by just hydrogen energy. I’m excited to see how it plays out for the future.
I loved the city that Walt Disney was designing that Dr.Tobias talked about!!!! 💙
Are you going to build more hydrogen houses??????
How were those picture models created? Or have you already been building star communities?
In the future, I wonder how many people will actually be willing to make the switch to live in these homes and if it will take over the future of housing.
Cool concept, enjoyed the video!
how much would it cost to build a neighborhood filled with hydrogen villages
It was very interesting to learn about the foggy window technology and the chemical components that allow for it to occur. For instance, learning how the light waves cause a voltage change in the polymer matrix and produces scattered light that causes the fog was fascinating to see.
Really interesting to hear about Walt Disney’s plans on building Epcot originally as a city.
yeah are you planning to make more?
I like hydrogen.
Very Interesting
This is so exciting to learn about!
When the Star Pods go on the market, how much do you think they would cost?
This episode was so fascinating! Would the People Movers potentially work the same way or better, if it was solar powered?
Like the comment above I was also wondering if you were going to build more hydrogen homes, that would be cool.
hey Dr.B are you planning to make more hydrogen cars?
cool that is realy cool
How expensive would Walt’s city cost?
I learned that Walt Disney made Walt Disney Land and Walt Disney World in California and Florida.
Thank you for sharing all about Walt Disney and his vision. His plans for EPCOT were fascinating.
I don’t know if anyone reads these or not, but I have a few questions about the Hydrogen villages.
One, in the design by Ryan Etter, I noticed that the windows cover approximately 80% of the houses, however, I feel that while curtains may be nice, they aren’t always the most compatible, they are at an easy reaching length for younger children, and they still don’t afford much privacy. Is there a plan to maybe instead use double paned windows (better privacy, better sound proofing) with controllable blinds in between the windows? This way, they don’t need to be cleaned, as they are isolated, they can be controlled with a remote, they are hassle free, and they are safe from any touching that might occur with children in the house.
Two, are these houses going to be able to stand securely in the event of tornados and other natural disasters? What is the plan to go about nature-proofing these houses?
Three, Dr. Billings mentioned that vehicles will not be allowed or able to drive directly up to the houses. My primary concern with that is, what would be done about emergency services? They can’t do much if they can’t get straight to your house. Also, on the same note, what about any repairs that would be needed? How would people get the tools they need to and from their vehicle to the house, especially if it is something that can’t be easily carried?
Fourth and final, from what I saw, it doesn’t look like there are many walls to separate bedrooms and other rooms. I understand about wanting the house to be open and breathable, however, as a teenager it is nice to have some privacy. I understand that a design sketch is not final, but I (and probably most teenagers) feel that privacy is nice.
On the idea of breathability, I have an idea: I have an older collection of WIRED magazines that I like to read, and there was an article by Steven Levy in the June 2017 publication titled “One More Thing,” about Apple’s new headquarters, “The Ring.” In it, I saw that the “Ring” is actually a breathable building, as in it is able to filter air from the outside into the building, clean it, and then “breathe” all of the warm air back out again through the chimneys. Do you think that this could maybe be implemented into the Hydrogen homes?
If anyone reads this and thinks that it makes any sense, thank you, and I wish to extend my gratitude also to Dr. Billings and his team for coming up with these wonderful ideas for our futures.
Thank you.
Dr.B are you planning on building more hydrogen homes?
I Like Area 51
I love the sunflower part in the ending very great live !
Name the comet, Dr.Roger Billings.
How can a hydrogen village help the Earth?
I like the part with the people pushers because it was funny
I completely missed it live, but its just as good. I like the idea of clean hydrogen power.✌
amazing livestream like always~~~
I really enjoyed hearing and learning about Walt Disney’s vision for Epcot and the covered walking area downtown and the people movers.
Where did Walt get the idea to make Disney Land?
It’ll be really cool to live in one of these Hydrogen communities. Can’t wait!
Yes!!!! First one to comment. Hydrogen villages sound like an awesome idea and if they ever become successful we should have a Dr. Billings statue in his honor that says “Dr. Roger Billings the Wizard of Hydrogen”.