Better Than AI – Natural
January 15, 2025 • EPISODE 248
What makes humans irreplaceable in the age of AI? In this episode of Science LIVE, Roger Billings and his team examine the evolution of artificial intelligence and machine learning, exploring its evolution and impact. DrB highlights that while technology has made incredible strides, the creativity and ingenuity of the human mind remain unmatched. Like a diamond with its unique imperfections, our quirks and individuality are what make us extraordinary.

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Recent Episodes
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AI is so cool
Learning about A.I. is one of my favourite things!
Ai is cool to use at home too.
It’s so exciting hearing about new tech like AI.
Wow AI is so interesting!
Very cool! I agree.
It is great to have and learn about the advance of technology, but I am worried that AI mite make some people lazy. The video is great
i like the natural better
AI is very cool! Thanks!
AI can be very useful but it seems scary as well if people abuse it for bad things.
no way you were alive a scenery ago.
Interesting, AI can both be a great thing or scary.
AI can be very useful however how smart it is getting kind of scary.
we are important and not replaced
AI is amazing. Wow!
I learned a lot about AI in this video, Science live teaches me so much every time I watch a video! I’m really glad that I can learn from these videos.
AI is so cool!
If AI will be used to DRIVE our cars, I think Id walk or ride a bike, I’m not taking chances with a robot that could probaly have lots of malfunctions.
I usually get school started at 9:00 and end at 11:00 and do activities until 12:00 currently writing a real book!
My mom always loves to use AI called ChatGPT.
AI is taking over
This was a great video!
Some AI bots can be manually taught and other’s can read code, and some AI’s can scan face’s. And AI Invented in 1966 that was named Alyssa and it could make a conversation that sounds like a real person.
Ai is very interesting
ai is so cool
Oh wow! It’s so nice to hear whenever people agree that flaws are better than perfections, because it’s what makes us human 😀
I really liked this video!
Training AI is a lot of work.
Great video
AI is so handy! I’ve always wondered what goes into making it work.
It’s really interesting that natural diamonds that have mistakes are worth more than perfect diamonds
So, is a cloudy real diamond is worth more than a perfect man made diamond?
I’m not sure i like the thought of AI
Ai is great
AI is so cool,
How was AI first created? Who created it? When was it created?
Best teacher ever!!!!!
Thanks for all the information about AI
I love science
I really like the way you explain topics.
cool video!
Wow!! I haven’t really ever liked AI, but, this made me change my mind though
AI is so handy!
AI is so cool, thankyou for this video
Wow AI really is becoming such a big part of our world! It’s insane to see how far we’ve come but kind of scary honestly.
wow this is fascinating
When I saw this video I was like this is going to be boring boy was I wrong. This is the best A.I video I have ever watched.
Dr. Pajet is really funny and so is Dr. B.
The world is going to change. I can’t wait to see what 2030 looks like because that is my Graduation year.
Me as a 13 year old have watch a lot of AI videos.
I love being able to watch Science live in my free time I normaly get finish with school at 12:00 P.M. but it’s like I get done with school at 6:00 P.M.
pretty neat!
Wow A.I. holds so much information so cool!
Very interesting episode!
Ai is kind of scary
Great video.
AI is going to the change the way learn.
As much as I love technology and A.I. I am concerned on the capabilities of it and how its future will be.
I think A.I will be really good for our future but it’s also really scary because it’s going to leave a lot of people without jobs.
AI is kinda scary, I like nature better!
Honestly AI is such an interesting topic. I find it fascinating how its used by different people and their intentions. Kinda scary but kinda cool!
Is Chat GPT an AI
This one was really interesting!
It is pretty cool that we can write our own books to put on the Acellus website; that can motivate students who are interested in pursuing that field.
As far as AI, the technology that brought us from the microchip to the current technology we have, ChatGPT, AI in the medical field, in videos, in photos, is incredible. It is both scary and amazing. I do think using it for medical purposes is good, but it is also scary how it can look so real in media and that has the potential to change lives for better or for worse.
it is so scary that AI might replace humans one day
what does an ai do for work spaces
Why did people make AI.
Can A I be used to clone real people?
AI is cool.
The question was what makes humans irreplaceable in the age of AI? people can do things more specifically than ai
AI is so cool!
How has ai helped us today?
i look forward to watching more of these.
AI is very interesting and makes everything easy to work with. Nice video. Thank you.
Maybe in the future we will have AI drive our cars?
I loved this video!
How as ai gotten better in todays world?
My mom has a friend that is really interested in making robots and stuff like that. He kind of got me interested in it too. I think its really cool how we are getting AI to do a lot of stuff for us, but at the same time, I think that it is important that we don’t rely to much on things like AI and robots, because then we lose the opportunity to do something for ourselves.
I think its right to be worried about AI.
Should we be worried about AI?
All those stories of AI taking over! Hah! Though if that does happen , were in trouble.😄😜
I like coding 🙂
Am I the only one afraid of A.I.?
I am so curious about the future of A.I. What is it going to be like? I feel like it’s going to be either amazing or absolutely terrifying.
I like asking AI questions.
can ai be used to control technology such as a mri
Who invented AI?
The process of training the AI software is really cool
very good episode! as a person who loves doing the acellus bot coding and other coding i feel like this topic is very relevant and interesting.
Loved it!
Ai seems cool
This video was more helpful in many ways. Not just teaching us about the AI world but also helped teach my daughter about humans and flaws . Not always being a bad thing but a way to make us special in a world that is changing . So I appreciate the way these lectures are always helping in many ways!
Who invented A.I?
thank you sciene live
Ai is very interesting can’t wait to see what the future holds.
I liked this video and agree that nothing can replace humans, we are the real deal!
It’s crazy to think that AI was invented so long ago.
Its amazing what machine learning brought us, especially on (now) such small conputers!
Wow this is so interesting!
AI is helpful, and I hope it helps snake bites !
Thank you!
Great episode!
Very cool episode.
i really liked this one
I loved this so fun to watch
I think its cool that we can publish books in the library
Honestly this was a really good science live! I find AI very interesting.
Fascinating stuff
AI learns fast!
I love to watch and see how interesting Dr Roger billings and also the other people and I also like Dr Monet she was very interesting and I miss watch her videos in accellus!!!!!*
I love to watch Dr Roger billings episodes they are funny and technology has improved a lot!!!!!!
I really enjoyed learning about Al. So interesting.
Ethan and I loved this episode. His curiosity was peaked.
Loved this episode as did Ethan. His curiosity was peaked.
Who came up with the name AI?
That’s insane how AI has advanced throughout the years.
I’m going to Costco whether there is a zombie apocalypse or not.
It is so cool how technology has advanced! 🤯
AI is so cool!!!
What makes the lab diamonds worth less than the flawed diamond? Do you think over time, the lab created diamond will be made with flaws?
i did research on AI for a week
Ai is constantly growing i can’t wait to see what the future holds!
I love learning about AI
Computers are so crazy and interesting, humans can create amazing things.
wow technology has improved alot
This question is for Dr. B. Hydrogen and oxygen make up the air. Since both of those make water, are we breathing in water?
So basically, it’s our flaws that make us irreplaceable not our perfections.
Your flaws are what makes you valuable?
Think about that for a moment…flaws, that’s what makes us perfect.
Is there a way that AI could find a cure for cancer?
Like, would that be possible?
Interesting I thought it was cool.
AI is such an interesting subject.
I love Wednesday lives, they’re so cool!
Ai will rule the world?
I think my favorite part or the most interesting part to me was that AI will never replace us no matter how good they become.
I am just learning about AI. I think it is cool that the technology has improved.
I did not know that a diamond made by hand would be less expensive than natural diamonds.
I play baseball and its true about moving around on the field. Our coaches help us by telling us which way to move but we do move on the field depending on the batter.
The input for AI seems complicated. People worry AI will take jobs but there will still be people needed to create and input the information for machines and computers.
dr-john is awesome
That is so cool:)!
I am a fan of the Ventioneering Club and Dr. Billings and and all the awesome Acellus teachers. Thanks Acellus!!! 💚
awesome video
What are the implications of Ai on jobs and the work force?
Thank you so much for the videos. My son and I enjoy watching them together.
It was fun learning about the periodic table
I think R-51 was made with defects.
Dr. Pajet Monet is one of my favorite teachers!
Official AI. What a title!
I like the video!
Thank you for all you for for science live.
So cool 😎.
It was interesting to learn about how AI works with the “tokens”.
Why do we need AI to do these tasks that take lots of work, when we can do it ourselves much quicker?
You said that you were going to get to quantum computers, but I never heard anything about them after that. I was really looking forward to that part. 😔
I like AI. I wonder how it will be used in the future.
What is everyone’s fave thing about AI
Wow AI is so cool
what is the best form of ai right now
It was interesting to learn that the origins of AI go back a long time.
I have never used AI before it seems to have potential.
Why did AI get created and how?
What is stopping the AI from accessing our personal info and our personal documants. Also how did we go from small tvs and gas powered vehicles to big indestries and electric cars and new gen tech.
AI is an interesing topic. Thank you for sharing information and idea.
Such an intriguing topic. I cant wait to see what can be done with AI in the future.
Such an intriguing topic. I am interested to see what more can be done with AI in the future.
AI is such a strange phenomenon.
Interesting episode
Why do flaws make the price go up so much? if the industrial diamond is basically the same thing
How did Weizenbaum’s personal background and experiences shape his perspective on technology?
I Love watching science live ! thank you for this every wednesday!