Perseverance: The Key to Achieving the Impossible
February 28, 2024 • EPISODE 211
Using real-life experiences, Roger Billings explains how persistence is essential to overcoming setbacks and turning new ideas into reality. From the first hydrogen car to the creation of the all-in-one Billings Computer, he shows that every breakthrough faces challenges. Billings encourages students to work hard, proving that perseverance is the key to making a lasting impact on the world.

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Recent Episodes
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Don’t look at the sun like that R.51!!!! Also, congtarulations to the girl on the student spotlight. I also really enjoy dancing as well, but my favorite genre is hip hop and ballet.
I hope I succeed enough to have my own business and become an entrepreneur.
lots of elements
The coolest part about the periodic table is that it allows you to instantly visualize any element’s valence shell and valence electrons
I Like Area 51 😃
I kind of wish that the idea for having cards that go on the keyboard was still around, that would make software really easy to use, but it would probably have to be bought separately, with most software being bought online nowadays.
LOVE IT!!!!!!!
Good video.
Tobias has the best section and is always entertaining.