by DrB | Mar 24, 2021 | Episodes
Science Fair Fever March 24, 2021 • EPISODE 62 Catch the Science Fair Fever! In this episode, Roger Billings walks students through the process of creating a solid hypothesis and conducting a successful science fair experiment. Plus, get valuable tips on overcoming...
by DrB | Dec 16, 2020 | Episodes
Farewell to 2020 December 16, 2020 • EPISODE 50 A final reminder for students about the Acellus Science Fair and how to enter. Roger Billings also delves into the science of how speakers work and shares his experiences with glassblowing, closing out the year with a...
by Science LIVE | Jul 15, 2020 | Episodes
Hubble, Orbits & Comet Neowise | The Acellus Science Fair July 15, 2020 • EPISODE 28 Science LIVE is a weekly program that encourages students to study hard and inspires a love for science. Follow FollowFollowFollowFollowFollow About DrB Dr. Roger Billings is...
by Science LIVE | Jan 15, 2020 | Episodes
International Science Fair | Choosing a Project January 15, 2020 • EPISODE 2 Roger Billings helps students prepare for the International Science Fair by guiding them on how to choose a project, form a hypothesis, and ask the right questions. Using examples like...