216. Science of the Stars: A Guide to the Night Sky

216. Science of the Stars: A Guide to the Night Sky

Science of the Stars: A Guide to the Night Sky April 3, 2024  •  EPISODE 216 Join us for an enlightening episode as we explore the wonders of the night sky. Hear captivating stories from Roger Billings’s scout camp days and learn how to identify key stars like the...
215. Exploring the Earth’s Tilt: What Causes Seasons

215. Exploring the Earth’s Tilt: What Causes Seasons

Exploring the Earth’s Tilt: What Causes Seasons  March 27, 2024  •  EPISODE 215 Ever wondered why we have seasons? Dive into this episode to uncover how the Earth’s tilt affects seasonal changes. Learn about the science behind why seasons shift, and...
214. Solar Science: What Causes a Solar Eclipse

214. Solar Science: What Causes a Solar Eclipse

Solar Science: What Causes a Solar Eclipse March 20, 2024  •  EPISODE 214 What is a solar eclipse? Tune in to this episode to explore the science behind solar eclipses and discover the sun’s energy, including sunspots, solar flares, and their effects on Earth. About...
213. Legacy of John K. Hanson | Hydrogen Powered Motorhome

213. Legacy of John K. Hanson | Hydrogen Powered Motorhome

Legacy of John K. Hanson | Hydrogen Powered Motorhome March 13, 2024  •  EPISODE 213 Have you heard of John K. Hanson? Discover how he and Roger Billings developed the first hydrogen-powered motorhome and hear the inspiring story of how he kept his company afloat and...
212. Dream Big, Dream Clear: The Secret to Success

212. Dream Big, Dream Clear: The Secret to Success

Dream Big, Dream Clear: The Secret to Success March 04, 2024  •  EPISODE 212 Why do people say knowledge is power? In this episode, Roger Billings explores the role of education in turning dreams into reality. Drawing on insights from his mentor, Bill Lear, Roger...