All About Snakes
January 29, 2025 • EPISODE 250
In this episode of Science LIVE, Roger Billings introduces Jeffrey, the ball python! Discover the fascinating world of snakes, from their unique patterns to why ball pythons make such interesting pets. Dr. Billings also reminds students of the importance of respecting these incredible reptiles.

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My sister loves snakes!
I love snakes
Snakes are beautiful animals
why is not one snakes skin the same
How big is the biggest snake and how long is it?
How many types snakes are there out in the world?
Snakes are interesting
Ahhh snakes!!
love r 51
I learned so much about snakes today! I’m a little scared of snakes but now I feel better about them and actually I think they are very smart and cool!
Are there any more colors this snake comes in?
Wow this is an amazing video I bet my brother would love it he goes out in the field and catches Gardner snakes all the time and Gardner snakes are not poisonous.
R 51 is too funny
wow cool snake!:)
I don’t like snakes!
Never knew how large of a role snakes played in the ecosystem
Snakes are scary sometimes but they are SOOO cool!!
Well, I didn’t know a lot of that about Snakes.
I think it’s really interesting to learn how rubber was discovered and made. I’m not really a fan of snakes, they scare me.
I love it
i never have really cared for snakes all that much, but now.. I know that they have such an important role in the ecosystem.
Learning about snakes was very interesting but I am still scared of them.
Herpetology fascinates me and i love studying and observing snakes.
love snakes
I like snakes
I own 13 cobras
My friend has a yellow snake, and an iguana. I think they are awesome creatures.
Snakes used to scare me but after this I understand them a bit more.
I have been to a pet shop and I really like the snakes.
Loved when the snake made an appearance!
I loved this video it was sooooooooo fun.
Did he try to bite
Some snakes are have venom
I had no idea that the behavior of a snake is passed down from one generation to another or that they are called ball pythons due to their ability to curl up into a ball. I want a snake so I will let my mom know that you said that Ball Python’s make really good pets. ; ) I think it super neat that the little holes in their lips sense infrared. Knowing the difference between yellow, white or black in the middle is important, so thank for telling us.
I learned that Dr.b used to be in Boy scouts! I think that is really cool.
I do not like snakes at all.
I have three ball pythons.
great lesson!
Snakes are scary!
I am not a big fan of snakes
snakes are my favorite animal!
How much is it to make the machine.
I want a pet snake!
I don’t like snakes
What is the rarest snake?
Snakes are so cool I wish I had a snake.
I think snakes are weird, they should not be able to move without legs.
can we get Mr. white snake on acellus store
I am Not a fan of snakes! But I am excited to learn!
Snakes are so cute and I feel like I’m always learning new things about them
I have loved snakes and done so much research about them for about the past five years or so. This is amazing! So glad this got covered, snakes are so misunderstood and hated by society because so much misinformation has been spread about them!
ive held a snake once!
What is a snake’s favorite subject in school..?
I know it was a bit 🌽-ny.
I had to
Everything has mass in it
Snakes are frightening to me, but watching this video makes me appreciate them a little more 🙂
How many times do snakes shed their skin throughout their lifetime?
As a reptile lover and owner of 2 bearded dragons & 1 leopard gecko, this has amazed me so much! This has been my favorite episode!!! I love it!
R51?! Nooooooooo! He’s been attacked!🫢
I didn’t know that sap from South American trees was how rubber was invented.
Great video!
My friend has a snake, i love her snake. i asked my parents to get me one but they think it will eat my hampster
Snakes are one of my favorites
Better to just leave snakes alone.
I have always wanted a pet snake.
Snakes are beautiful creaters and though some are venomes others are harmless. My favorite snake is the Hognose snake. There adorable!
Snakes are so fascinating
amazing livestream like always :3 snakes is interesting to learn about
I have always loved snakes, and my grandmother used to work at a pet shop so I got to hold some.
I think snakes are really cool. My friend has a snake named Candy Corn, they’re really fun to watch.
Now I look at snakes different.
Snakes are so cool!
I really like Jefferey.
Snakes are actually very interesting!!
i uesd to have a snake
Snakes are cool but scare me!
Loved it
I really love science l!ve because it helps me learn about the past, present, and future. plus it helps me think of new things and ideas. then I think about the way I could tune machines to do different things or do the same thing better or more efficiently. so thank you Dr. B and lady pajet monet for science live.
I love Jeffery. My friend has a Ball Python whose name is Bowser.
Snakes are so cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is it true that all triangle head shaped snakes are venomous?
Would you like to own a pet snake?
i like snakes
I like watching this video! I learned a lot of things about snakes that I would’ve never thought possible. Snakes are interesting creatures!
snakes are very cool
I wish I can go to Brizil.
I own a snake
Thank you
I like snakes more after watching the video.
i always kinda wanted a snake…
I liked it!
They are so interesting, Great to see and learn about them.
I think I want a pet snake to!
Snakes are cool but scary.
fascinating creatures
My family is afraid of snakes.
How many snakes are the world in the world?
I think the snakes look so cool! 🐍
Snakes are scary to me. But it’s cool to see the different patterns on them
Jeffry is the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yay I love this it’s cool ok I’m so excited for the science fair!
Snakes are very interesting
I know lots of people have a fear of snakes, but they actually help in so many ways!
How can you tell if a snake is poisonous or not?
King snakes are fine and rattle snakes are not
this was so cool!
I want a pet snake.
I have a pet snake she is a gardener snake
that was a funny story about the pillow case. Jeffrey is cute 🩷.
This is very interesting, I wish they had one on spiders! ✌🐍
I personally don’t like snakes at all, haha. But I’m sure they’re good for conservation works.
why are ppl scared of snakes?
I love snakes
Ball pythons are so cute and cool.
Snake are scary for my family but they are so cool!!
Snaketastic! 🐍🐍
Jeffery looks so cute! I find it fascinating that they can smell with their tongue.
Snakes are interesting.
I think that snakes sheading is really cool.
I love Snakes!
What is the most dangerous snake in the world?
I love snakes, and how do they shed there skin?
I love snakes! my brother has one. Im not sure what kind though.
Thank you!
Snakes are fascinating!
I never knew how much snakes were intresting.
Great video. I was able to see an albino python once is person in a snake show.
i didnt know that snakes were such an important part of the ecosystem
I have a ball python and hade it around my neck
Seems interesting
I love snakes, I have a Bull Python
Wow I’ve learned to love snakes! They are so cool!
Jefferey is so cute
Snakes are so cool even the king snake
Snakes are epic
Wow this one was really cool
I love snakes
what are some of the most successful conservation efforts for snake species, and what can be learned from these initiatives?
Snakes are so cool! Thanks or this eisoode!
I wonder how venomous is a copperhead snake compared to a rattlesnake?
Jeffry is really cool
I So Love Snakes I have Three in my house pets.
I love snakes I would like six of them 3 boy 3 girl
I’m scared of snakes but their actually very cute, nice, and respectful. I’m still scared of the but I love them.
i seen lots of snakes where I use to live
Snakes are interesting but I’m scared of them
My sister wants a ball python. We could learn a lot from this!
I love snakes. I never realized how much could be passed down generationally in different species
I love snakes, I really want one!
Dr. Billings, please give us more Jefferey cameo’s!!!!
I’ve always wanted a pet snake
I like snakes
I have a pet snake. He likes cool, dark places. Most of the day he sleeps under his log.
interesting topic
That would be amazing to see Hydrogen vehicle’s in the military. What about using Hydrogen for military air crafts.
Wow!!! This was so interesting I love snakes, but I don’t like that eat other cute little critters
Good job
I don’t mind being around snakes and they are not as scary as they seem, but I’m not comfortable letting them crawl on me.
How can you tell if a snake is poisonous?
I love snakes!
I’ve always been scared, yet facinated by snakes.
As much as I disregard snakes they still play a crucial role in our ecosystems, including where I live.
I like the wistband
I want a snake now!
Very interesting learning about snakes.
its so interesting to learn about snakes
One time I was putting the trash out to the front and then a snake popped out of nowhere.
Thankyou so much for this science live.
Snakes are truly fascinating creatures
wow, this was such an insightful episode
I live in Mississippi, my dad used to catch snakes for the fair.
We have tons of poisonous snakes in Mississippi.
Thank you for sharing.
Me personally i hate snakes not a phobia just the fact they could literally swallow you whole
Growing up, there were rattlesnakes in my back yard. I wouldnt mind jeff in my yard though, what a cutie!
Are snakes slimy?
Snakes are intereting
oh my gosh you are lucky thats a crazy story. im so scared of snakes no way i would have one for a pet . I have seen a snake eat a rat before at a pet store. i have seen a huge rattle snake in a fort near my house. its crazy they have good memory since there head is so small.
I think it’s so interesting how certain snakes are venomous depending on the area which they are located.
Hope jeffery is doing good
How hot can lava can get
Never thought about snakes considerately until now. Perhaps snakes were never the problem, we were.
I think snakes are really interesting! My favorite thing about them are their tongues receptor systems. I cant believe they can see better with their tongues than with their eyes!
good episode. but i dont like snakes
This was really interesting. Thank you.
Snakes are so cool but scare me a lot
I live in upstate NY a town called little falls. Hi. You asked if snakes are good or bad? I think snakes are good for the environment because they keep the rodent population in check.
Who knew snakes could be so interesting!
I love you guys, I could listen to all of you talk all the time. we have a lot of snakes in our backyard. good snakes that helps take care of the mice population and eats dangerous snakes. Dr Billings the stories you tell I would love to do half the stuff you talk about.
I love snakes
I respect snakes by just staying away from all of them!!!
Snakes are cool
What’s the matter with you? Loved all the stories of matter and learning about the chemical change of rubber. Thanks for sharing Jeffery with us. I love snakes, the are amazing.
Snakes like to be warm
I hate snakes!
I learned how to identify a coral snake.
I have a pet ball python and they really are good pets
It doesn’t change my mind about snakes they still scare me.
I see snakes a lot when I’m out riding my dirt bike there everywhere in North Carolina
Viewing from illinois
Next time let Jefferey should eat a mouse.
Where is Acellus I’m in Las Vegas and I’m like I’m saying that like I’m in Las Vegas and where is a Acellus
I have a pet snake
This is cool reptile info
I believe snakes taste the air, and use there nostrils. Also, do I have to log in to the Acellus store to see more?
I was surprised of the king snake here in the USA is not poisonous than the one in Brazil.
Is the white snake real?
This was awesome knowledge about snakes!
venomous snakes have the black in the middle and yellow on the outside
How can I encourage my friends when they need help?
snakes are so incredibly interesting!
My grandfather always told me this old rhyme ” red and black, friendly Jack, black on yellow will kill a fellow . If your not sure what type of snake it is always assume its poisonous.
Snakes are cute
Jeffrey was awesome.
We have a lot of Water moccasins where I live on the Gulf of Mexico. My mom and I seen one sun bathing on the trails that we walk.
How many different speices of snakes are there in the world?
wow that’s a pretty pattern on it’s back thanks guys!!
what is the worlds biggest snake
Snakes are so cool and I wnat a snake a lot. I think snakes are also smart reptiles and ae underrated a lot. Just because they bite you when you get too close to them doesn’t mean they aren’t cool.
How many different snakes are there?
Jeffrey is so cute🥰.
Do snakes smell with their tongue? And if they don’t how do they smell stuff
Snakes are fun to watch and they are very interesting in how they behave. I don’t think there is a reason people should be afraid if you study them.
bro snakes are cool! What’s your favorite kind of snake? Mine is the King Cobra
Very interesting topic!
I Love Snakes! My Favorite is the Burmes Python!
What happens to you if you get bit by a coral snake?
I also LOVE snakes!! thank y’all!
snakes are interesting do you think they might grow legs in the future
OH!! I want a Riticulated python! When I become A Multi-Mega-Millionare I will buy Riticulated python and make a habitat with a budget of $5 million! $$🤑🤑$$! And a Ball python! Did you know that you can keep Green Anaconda as a pet? Weird, Right?
Do you think that while he was attempting to make rubber, selling everything he had, do you think he knew how dependent the modern world would be on it?
(does this still count for last week so I don’t lose the Roger Billings Scholarship??)
I want a snake. I think they are so neat and adorable!!! ^U^
How old is you snake?
the huge snake from the prehistoric times would be really scary to see if it existed today.
Jeffrey is so cute! What a cool episode!
Snakes really are just the best animal if they don’t bite you lol.
How do snakes get their patterns on their back??
I love the scene with r-51 and with the rope
Snakes dont seem all to dangerous if you respect there territory.
how can you see the crystals in the water?
I found it interesting that where the color is on the snake can tell you if its venomous or not. Like the yellow in the middle means its ok, but yellow on the outside means its dangerous.
Jeffery the snake looks so cool!!!!
As an invasive species in the Florida Everglades, how many animal species might have been lost due to them being released there and now thriving really well. I have seen pictures of them eating or fighting with alligators and that was pretty shocking.
As a fellow Boy Scout, I would like to know how many experiences you have had that are memorable and impactful to your life as an innovator.
what a beautiful animal its stripes are amazing
He seems very calm and would be pretty cool to have as a animal
crazy to think that this means if you tear a piece of vulcanized rubber in half, you’re literally tearing a molecule with your bare hands!
I love snakes! Especially the hog nosed ones!
Thanks for the video.
wow I didn’t know all that about the ball python that was cool
i like snakes
I love snakes!!
Are Snakes nocturnal
It is a shame that these snakes have become invasive inFlorida. They are so georgeous
How do snakes use infrared sensing to detect prey in complete darkness?
Snakes are cool