Our World is Droning with Excitement
September 18, 2024 • EPISODE 231
Discover how drones work and why GPS is key to smooth, successful flights. Zoom into the world of drones and explore the fascinating technology and science that keeps them soaring through the skies.

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How much was the hello drone?
I really liked Cody and Malachi’s drones. They were really cool. I also liked Tobias’ story. Tobias is soooooooooooooooooooooooo funny!!!
I can tell you that I thought that I thought Dr. Joshua actually was lifting it. I was soooooooo fooled guys!!! I actually thought he was really strong.
Drones are wickedly cool!
I find that interesting because my brother got a drone for christmas and we didn’t know the first 2 blades could be clockwise and the other 2 counterclockwise
wouldnt be anywhere without a gps
My birthday’s in January. and I think I want to get a drone.
But they are really cool. Hey, you can hook a camera on them. That’s cool!!
Who invented the first drone?
I need me one of those.
It is a new world.
Hummingbirds are living drones.
Zip line is a company that specializes in drone in place where normal mefeds can’t be used like one in I forget the name of the country but it was great and it could also be used in fast food delivery and supermarkets.
drones are really cool
My sister had a drone. My dad accidentally crashed it into the house.
I love drones! They are so fun!
i didn’t know drones operation was so complicated
Drones are so cool. They can do so much.
I vote for Eric 1#
As a 10th grade student taking the Business Math course, I found that lesson 9, which was teaching me about Federal Income Taxes, was a difficult subject for me. I was tempted to give up, guess, ask for help, etc, but instead, and persevered through. This video helped me, and provided insight into my problem, and I ended up passing with a wonderful grade.
This video was wonderful! Drones are so fascinating. I wonder what they will look like in the future and if they will be able to carry more weight in the future.
Really cool science live I love tuning into them.
Drones are so cool I want to get one with the camera this was so interesting
Ny grand dad told me that Our Military has drones to hunt people down. Which I believe would save the lives of thousands of people if ever we were in a war situation.
I use drones when I have trouble finding my deer that I can’t track. Only when we can’t find them we will break out the drones.
r-51 seems so cool!
drones are incredible, i love how humans use their knowledge to create amazing things like drones!!
that was cool
Drones are super cool! I used to have one, but it broke…
could someone build a drone as big as a car that can run on gas?
I love drones!
I love learning about drones their cool :>
nice i love drones
Drones are very helpful with lots of diff Jobs.
My drones always get stuck in trees.
I love playing with drones.
It’s cool to see how drones are now being used for different things apart from taking videos.
Nice stuff man. Speaking of drones I can make my drone carry a Lego car 🚗, like in the military helicopters can carry military vehicles. So cool 😎 right.
I love drones they are cool
I love drones drones are cool and awsome
My mom has photographer friends that use drones for their photography businesses
DR.B IS my favorite
I loved learning more about drones. I have one that I don’t play with much.
I enjoyed learning about drones.
Drones are so much fun but I Like science too
I love the idea that you can make drones with cameras .so cool 😎
I still can’t believe R-51 is alive, all his experiments have gone either over the table or just didn’t work. Lets just hope his next one doesn’t blow up his laboratory.
My friend Garret has a drone business its cool He just bought this drone that is as big as me. It has thermal vision and night vision and can fly as high as commercial airplanes, He said he was gonna use it for the police to do a night watch in Branson west. Drones are pretty cool though, oh yeah He also has this one that you have to use a VR camera and joystick, its really fun. Drones are definitely the future! Its also crazy to think they said drones would be a 42 billion dollar business next year.
I wish I could go on the Acellus show
wow, that is so cool!!
so Cool! i love learning about drones!
I want a drone for Christmas
So cool
If a drone was able to support a solar panel, do you believe that we can use drones to collect our solar power for small appliances like a microwave, and other small electrical appliances?
Just an interesting thought.🤔
Yeah one time I saw a drone i was very happy 🤗
I Like drones
I just now noticed that Ryan was right, Malachi does have a book about learning Italian on his desk. I also like Malachi’s message LOL!
I got a tiny drone that you can fly in the house for my 12th birthday two years ago. But on my first flight the drone went in the kitchen, hit the wall and
fell in my sink full of water! Lets just say its flying days were over! 😑 (I bought a new one)
drones are amazing nice live
My dad has a drone for his construction company and he films the progress.
He has let me fly it a few times.
drones are so cool!
This is so cool.
that was cool I love the way that you added drones in it to make it more intreging
My sister has a drone with a camera on it and I love to fly it.
You can do so many things with drones, they have so many purposes, I love that about drones.
Can playing video games or simulator games make you better with piloting drones?
My big brother and my dad both got drones at Celebrity Circle, Myrtle Beach.
This is very interesting to me because I’m going into drone piloting for the military .
How much weight can a drone carry? Also, who came up with the idea of putting two propellers across from each other, going clockwise, and vis versa? I also had no idea that electrons were magnets… I feel like I should have realized that by now! Haha!
This was very interesting and very very educational. Thank you!
I think it’s so cool that if gravity were to increase even by a little bit, we wouldn’t be able to fly the way we do. It’s so interesting to think about how the gravity on our earth allows us to walk and fly.
How do you control multiple drones at once ?
How do drone shows work with multiple drones?
Drones are such cool inventions, and I enjoy hearing from experts about them! 😉
i am so excited for the next episode.it was funny too.
Why can’t we attach solar panels to drones?
that is so cool that it uses magnets
How was the first magnet discovered.
This is great
how long would a drone fly in a hour
So cool!! I loved learning about drones!
r-51 is very fun
Loved the video!! Drones are cooler then I thought.
What a funny episode!
Very interesting! drones are honestly rather cool.
Dr. John will forever be my favorite Stem teacher! I love the Technology Spotlight that he does!
Has anyone noticed that Malachi said “I need to learn some Italian” in the episode on perpetual motion machines, and that he has a book on learning Italian on his desk in this episode?
Just a fun thought 🙂
I loved this video and learning about drones!
drones are cool i like drones
Memorization is key in learning!!
I didn’t know that drones have cameras to see where they are going.
I love how it explains everythimg
Its cool to see how drones work but do you think that in the near future drones would be the main transport or delivery?
WOW! This is so cool, funny and interesting!
how far can a drone go from the remote with out it not being able to function
I had a drone before and now I know why it was able to get lost after going so high after this episode.
Why are there regulations on the neodymium magnets?
I really enjoyed learning about drones.
I enjoyed learning how drones fly. My grandfather has one and I have tried to fly it, which is very difficult.
R 51 was so funny and we had a drone too.
i find drones very cool and i really like drones
Drones Are Really Cool I Would be bad at driving it though
I love this! Thanks!
Wow! Drones are actually really cool! I think if i tried to fly one it would crash! 😂
if all electrons have a left hand spin then its a magnet. that’s cool
Wonder what the green drone is? Also, more of the corollas effect? Maybe spelling it wrong.
I think remote control drones are really cool!
It was very interesting!
It was so astonishing to learn about the GPS and its’ purpose.
Drones are very fascinating. I find it super cool that you can do so much with them.
How do satellites connect to things on Earth?
How do magnets turn electricity into power?
are there any predicaments with future developments of drones
drones are so cool!!!!
Wow! Drones fascinate me so much and this video increased that fascination by like 150%!! Thanks Acellus!
i love drone’s.
What will future drones look like?
Who decided to add cameras to the drones?
I vote for 1! the area 51 guy is my favorite!
oopsie, I hope this counts as a comment because I forgot to watch the video the other week, and I’m trying to get the scholarship… anyways. As a kid we had a few little drones! They were fun. We had a super tiny one, too, that could fit in your palm.
This is a very fun way to learn about drones.
who invented the first drone?
Someone should tell R51 that his hat is NOT going to make him fly!!!
I love the science behind the drones you shared, I thought it was really fascinating.
I love drones, they are interesting and amazing! They can do so much, and they will be even better in the future. It’s sad about Tobias drone,
I would be very upset if I had lost my drone. Thank so much Acellus for making such a cool episode!
Learning about how drones work is so interesting! Great job!
It would be a wonderful thing if you could also start one for other occupations such as lawyers, doctors, nurses, dancers, film makers, photographer and ect. I would love if you would think about this and perhaps talk a little about it in Science Live. Thankyou.