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Breaking the Sound Barrier
February 12, 2020 • EPISODE 6
Science LIVE is a weekly program that encourages students to study hard and inspires a love for science.

About DrB
Dr. Roger Billings is known as the inventor of the hydrogen-powered automobile and is credited with significant innovations in the areas of renewable energy, computer networking, cybersecurity, and education
As part of DrB’s lifelong commitment to supporting education, Science LIVE was launched as a way to “give back” by mentoring students in conjunction with the Roger Billings Scholarship Program.
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About the Roger Billings Scholarship Program »
Speed, speed, that all I need!
Mach speed, ho!
Is it possible to make a perpetual sound sphere that reflects sound? I think it would explode or just make a small crack thus opens up because of the pressure.
This was a fun one!