212. Dream Big, Dream Clear: The Secret to Success

212. Dream Big, Dream Clear: The Secret to Success

Dream Big, Dream Clear: The Secret to Success March 04, 2024  •  EPISODE 212 Why do people say knowledge is power? In this episode, Roger Billings explores the role of education in turning dreams into reality. Drawing on insights from his mentor, Bill Lear, Roger...
211. Perseverance: The Key to Achieving the Impossible

211. Perseverance: The Key to Achieving the Impossible

Perseverance: The Key to Achieving the Impossible February 28, 2024  •  EPISODE 211 Using real-life experiences, Roger Billings explains how persistence is essential to overcoming setbacks and turning new ideas into reality. From the first hydrogen car to the creation...
210. The Game-Changing Potential of H2 Green Steel

210. The Game-Changing Potential of H2 Green Steel

The Game-Changing Potential of H2 Green Steel February 21, 2024  •  EPISODE 210 Did you know Roger Billings invented a revolutionary process to produce steel without emitting CO2? Though the idea faced skepticism at the time, the concept of H2 Green Steel is now being...
209. Gearing Up for the Solar Eclipse

209. Gearing Up for the Solar Eclipse

Gearing Up for the Solar Eclipse February 14, 2024  •  EPISODE 209 Explore the captivating science behind solar eclipses. Learn how and why a solar eclipse occurs, and discover what makes this event so rare. Roger Billings shares expert tips on what to watch for...
208. Sky’s The Limit – The Story of the Lear Jet

208. Sky’s The Limit – The Story of the Lear Jet

Sky’s The Limit – The Story of the Learjet February 07, 2024  •  EPISODE 208 In this episode of ScienceLIVE, Roger Billings recounts an inspiring story of his mentor, Bill Lear, who was himself mentored by Thomas Edison. Lear’s journey to invent the...
207. Creating a Winning Science Fair Project

207. Creating a Winning Science Fair Project

Creating a Winning Science Fair Project  January 31, 2024  •  EPISODE 207 In this episode of ScienceLIVE, Roger Billings offers valuable guidance on selecting a science fair project. He shares practical tips for choosing a project that not only advances scientific...