Hi Guys!  r-51 here…

Welcome to Area 51.  Explore and see all the amazing inventions I made.

r-51 On Science LIVE

About r-51

r-51 is an advanced android, designed to work in the top-secret IST lab, known as Area 51.


Modeled to look like the original DrB: a great scientist and mentor, r-51 was intended to be the smartest android known to man – capable of assisting DrB with his ventioneering projects in Area 51. However, due to flawed data input, r-51’s potential was never fully realized. Instead of being the next generation of AI (Artificial Intelligence), developers often refer to him affectionately as NI (No Intelligence).

With his advanced processing capabilities, r-51 was intended to analyze complicated data and provide insights that even the most knowledgeable scientists could not. His design includes cognitive and learning capabilities, allowing him to process vast amounts of data within seconds. Unfortunately, he gained access to the internet, processing all available data—both accurate and inaccurate—resulting in his responses and theories often being skewed.

His admiration and slight obsession with Dr. Pajet Monet began after another failed programming session. In an attempt to design a more human-like operating system, developers ran the SEL (Social-Emotional Learning) lessons taught by Dr. Monet through r-51’s memory database. Although he retained very little of the data on social emotional skills, a fondness for Pajet as his personal instructor was hardcoded into his system. Developers are unable to remove this portion of the programming without wiping the entire program, a step they have considered but not yet taken.

While r-51 still lacks social skills, many students find him endearing. He claims to have his own fan club and following, though records show this fan base currently consists of just one member.

r-51 has been fitted with a unique constraint: he is required to stay within the perimeter of Area 51 at all times. This restriction was added after his memorable appearance on stage at Science LIVE in April 2023, where he famously detained the real DrB.